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Monday, April 24, 2006
Hawking Technologies HWP54G Sucks
Never buy this wireless card, or anything from Hawking Technologies. I'm using it on Win XP SP2, and it:

1) Tries to install an unknown PCI device in addition to the wireless adapter
2) Drops the signal as soon as it connects. The only way I can get it to connect and stay connected is if I happen to hit "enable" or "disable" (haven't figured out which yet) on my network adapter as it's going through its neverending cycle of connect/disconnect (which occurs every time I reboot).

Do not buy the Hawking Technologies HWP54G. It has problems. It is broken. There is no updated driver. Hawking Technologies will not give you adequate tech support. Furthermore, this is what I found on their web page:


Apparantly they shipped it with the wrong driver. However the driver I downloaded from their site was the exact same driver it shipped with. Nifty, eh?

Don't buy the shit. Spend a few more bucks and get something from LinkSys or USR, or some company that's more than just a fly-by-night OEM hardware vendor.
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