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Thursday, January 12, 2006
New Horizons
Check it! NASA, our beloved space-geek, money-sucking conglomerate, will be sending a craft into space in 4 days which will hopefully arrive at Pluto in 9 years. Yeah, nine years. And that's only because it is going to use the gravity around Jupiter to whip it and shave five years off the normal travel time.

I don't know why. I love sending things into space. It's kinda like setting things on fire and watching them burn. Wait. That was a bad analogy. But it freaks me out that when my kids are in college, they'll be watching the footage New Horizons takes when it arrives at Pluto on the TVs in their dorm rooms.

And you know what? I'm totally livid that I lost out on the chance to get my name on a CD that is being launched into space with New Horizons. Because I would fucking love it if some Plutians popped that CD into their computer and read my name and said, Viki sounds like fun, lets go fucking visit her! I bet the Plutians have a spaceship that is way faster, and they can get here in, say, three years, or maybe even just 9 days, and they'll show up at my door and say, "Hey, Viki, we read your name on this CD on that shit-assed, out-of-date spacecraft NASA sent into space way back when, and we are here to party with you!" As long as they bring some Plutian vodka, I'll be cool with it.

WTF am I talking about?

New Horizons Web Site
I thought they just found out that pluto wasn't a planet after all, just a ball of smelly gas.
They're going to debate this very fact in Prague in August at some space-people conference, as I just read in The Economist.
one pluto year is equal to 247.7 earth years. so if it takes our ship 9 years to get there, to them that's only about one week. so if they were gonna build a ship to get here, it would prolly take a whole lot longer. also, it's fucking cold out there!
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