Monday, February 28, 2005
Concrete TV
From NYC Public Access, it's Concrete T.V., an edited mash of what the fuck ever from Concrete Ron, who dubs himself "perhaps the greatest video editor of all time." Well, we're not sure about that, but we are sure that "it's never hard enough."
Link [from matt]
Kittie Rocks
In case you've never heard of Kittie, now is your chance. In case you've never heard them, you need to. In case you hadn't heard, Kittie Rocks.
Kittie - Official Homepage
Celestia: Home
Some dude I used to kind of hang out with created this app. It's a free space simulation that lets you explore the universe in three dimensions.
The Revenge
To anyone who has ever crossed me: this guy is my hero. This is, without a doubt, the biggest, fattest "fuck you" I've heard in a long time. Although it's probably 100% bullshit, it's funny as hell.
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Calvin and Hobbes
Scanned versions of every single Calvin and Hobbes, from November 1985, to December 1995.
Friday, February 25, 2005
...and she wants to tell you all about Jesus. This, truly, is a juggernaut of web designprowess.
Book Plates
Ex Libris book plate collection of stunning beauty. The history of the ex libris has been an interesting one for collectors: at first they were annoying devices whereby other people's names were written on the inside back cover; now they're collected for their unique beauty.
Thursday, February 24, 2005
The Collector
Allow me to say: Jesus Christ. This guy has a collection of just about every type of crap that you could imagine. It's... unholy.
This Place Sucks
The movie "Office Space" as reenacted by the SuperFriends. Videomash at its finest.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Head leaves Korn to become Christian WTF?
I mean sure, everyone has the right to make that personal choice ... but it just doesn't seem right in this case (not that I know the guy personally, 'cuz maybe he's been a closeted christian all along), but it does seem like a conspiracy.
Monday, February 21, 2005
RIP Raul Duke. Destroy something beautiful today in honor of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. He committed suicide yesterday at his fortified compound in Colorado. The world is officially 1% suckier.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Hybrid Animals
Ligers, Tigons, Jaglion, Zorse, Wolphin and other cross-breeds. I find it sort of disturbing that people feel the need to mate animals that normally wouldn't mate together for the sake of being unique - as a sort of "art"?
I do however, like looking at the "Uncommon Animal Coloration" section. As I have seen a white Alligator at the Toranto Zoo. But the white zebra of the black zebra (with white stripes) are pretty cool. Note: for those fo you who don't know, zebras are white with black stripes - that's why the distinction is interesting.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Gizoogle - Fo all you beotches who wanna find shiznit. Between bible passages and a map of the US, it is fuuny stuff ... I mean, shizuf.
100 Funniest Jokes of All Time
I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off. So I ran over and said 'Stop! Don't do it!' 'Why shouldn't I?' he said. 'Well, there's so much to live for!' 'Like what?' 'Well... are you religious?' He said yes. I said, 'Me too! Are you Christian or Buddhist?' 'Christian.' 'Me too! Are you Catholic or Protestant ? 'Protestant.' 'Me too! Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?' 'Baptist' 'Wow! Me too! Are you Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the Lord?' 'Baptist Church of God!' 'Me too! Are you original Baptist Church of God, or are you reformed Baptist Church of God?' 'Reformed Baptist Church of God!' 'Me too! Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1879, or Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915?' He said, 'Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915!' I said, 'Die, heretic scum', and pushed him off. "
Monday, February 14, 2005
How to Destroy the Earth
For the purposes of what I hope to be a technically and scientifically accurate document, I will define our goal thus: by any means necessary, to render the Earth into a form in which it may no longer be considered a planet. Such forms include, but are most definitely not limited to: two or more planets; any number of smaller asteroids; a quantum singularity; a dust cloud.
The MPAA vs. An Army of Mice
Finally, a voice from the wilderness:
This website has been erected out of consumer outcry over the passing of sites that facilitate the free availability of perpetually copyrighted motion pictures. The unauthorized downloading of motion pictures denies thousands of dishonest, lazy executives of their crack smoking livelihood, and is the only way to bring an artistically bankrupt monopoly under control. Downloading movies without authorization violates laws distorted beyond their original intent, is not tangible theft, and is impossible to stop. You can't catch everyone. The only way to win is to stop waging war on your own customers and accept the fact that we are in control, not you. You brought this on yourselves.
Gmail Invites
Jesus Christ... today my number of gmail invites just jumped from 7 to 50! 50 friggin invites! So i suppose they'll be going out of beta soon...
Sunday, February 13, 2005
FreeFilter: Open Source MetaFilter Style Community Software
FreeFilter: Open Source MetaFilter Style Community Software
FreeFilter: Open Source MetaFilter Style Community Software
FreeFilter: Open Source MetaFilter Style Community Software
Friday, February 11, 2005
Process Explorer
A great freeware tool that allows you to view all processes and their associated symbols and about a billion other things you might need to know.
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Sexiest vegetarian alive. Mark Linden is a friend of the family, so ... go vote for him. He says: "I’d promise to sleep with everyone who votes for me (that must be how ‘W’ won), but I don’t think Jarret would like that very much."
Monday, February 07, 2005
Looks like I'll have to wait until I'm about 65 before I can say "told you so" ... and even then I'll be on my bike (if I'm still alive). When the planet is going to run out of oil... But even then I'll be quite happy with my bike - and know that a life of fitness has lead to my good health and enduring strength.
And related:
My parents have a Toyota Prius. On THE LIST, it says on a 150-mile trip it gets 48mpg, but it's really more like 50-something. Not that it is much of a difference, but still - it's great. How does your car hold up against our Precious Prius?
Car fuel-efficiency.
I think I am better understanding the role of anarchy
An article I was talking about how the ChristianRight wants to bring about the apocalypse. Below is an introduction from Allen L Roland, Ph.D
For the first time in our history, ideology and theology hold a monopoly of power in Washington: Bill MoyersBill Moyers correctly identifies the evil of our times as the religiousright and that their delusional thinking not only permeates Congress but sits in the Oval Office .
Finally a major respected columnist takes on the Christian right and fully reveals their moral blindness .
A must read!
Allen L RolandCatch me every Monday morning 7AM ~ TRUTHTALKon
Conscious Talk RadioLIVE
webstream /
7AM PST KYCY 1550 AM SAN FRANCISCO / WED 9 - 10 AM & SUN 10-11
Allen Roland’s weblog:
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Baby Queen
Ah Queen. I grew up with you, ever since Flash Gordon, Highlander ... and all that goodness. And now this day in age, this is how you live on in our memory? Baby Queen.
American Independence Revoked
A little something that has been making the rounds ... it is just a little bit of humor.
Notice of Revocation of Independence
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Just in case you wanted to visit / immigrate to my fine country. Cough.