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Saturday, January 29, 2005
Condoleezza Rice's cross-dressing drag queen gay first cousin says she was a fridgid lesbian
At least she was until she began her affair with George Bush.

This leaves me squinting in absurdity. There is a certain fakeness about the page. The comment following the post of "Vaginal Creme Davis," allegedly her first cousin, is repeated three or four times (just scroll down). Furthermore, the comment is not only repeated, but is visually and contextually composed so as to appear to be chaotic. It took me a moment of speed-reading down the page to realize that I was reading duplicating information.

Which leads one to wonder: is this some cruel prank, contrived as a sick "fuck you" to Rice now that she's been confirmed?

Wonder I did, so I looked up the domain "Vaginaldavis.com" at netsol.com, and found some interesting information. First of all, the domain has been registered since August 7, 1999, to one Larry Roberts of San Francisco. A Google of "larry roberts san francisco vaginal davis" turns up many references between the two in the San Francisco performance scene. Plus, some of the comments on mefi indicate knowledge of Vaginal Creme Davis as a real person.

So now the question is: is this too good to be true? And by "too good," let me assure you that I have no love for Condoleezza Rice whatsoever. I think she's a hard worker and very dedicated to her job but is craven for power, and will kill any number of thousands of foreigners in order to fulfill the agenda she has sworn to serve. Which is really quite Satanic when you think of it, and in some way I appreciate it but with something that is definitely not "love."

Anyhow, you be the judge. Pray to all of your dark gods that this gets picked up by Keith Olbermann.

Link [mefi, natch]
Maybe GW has a thing for frigid lesbians.

Oh, that's just mean. I'm so ashamed of myself.
Hey that laugh just cost you 100 Iraqi children. Vote war.
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