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Thursday, December 30, 2004
Suprnova's Big Announcement
As mentioned before, the long-awaited Suprnova announcement is out, and, as everyone has already guessed, it's about Exeem. It's on an internet radio station (didn't catch the name), with the DJ asking some prearranged questions to Sloncek.

Synopsis (AKA spoilers): Opens with Lindsay Lohan's "Rumors". Sloncek describes Exeem (bittorrent protocol, kazaa interface). First public beta "very soon (but not this week or next week)" available at exeem.com. Exeem will be ad-supported. Exeem development supported by "a company that's going to remain anonymous for a while." Supported platforms only windows for now. Check suprnova or exeem.com for updates. Sloncek doesn't know what will happen to suprnova.org (seemed pessimistic). Exeem will include ratings and comments. Concludes with Europe's "The Final Countdown."

[Link goes directly to an 8MB MP3]

Link [via my first post at lifi *g*]
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