Saturday, October 09, 2004
My Annoying MSWord Problem
At work I installed MSWord 2003. Big mistake. In addition to total and complete bloat ("Task pane" anyone? wtf...), it also had one very annoying "feature": whenever I would change the formatting for a word or sentence (e.g. bold, italics, nothing fancy), it would change the formatting for the entire friggin page. I would make a word bold, but MSWord would make the entire document bold. Only by then hitting CTL-Z could I undo the bold for the rest of the document, but often that would make the things that I already had bolded all messed up.
After a little searching around, I found a solution. Turns out that MSWord 2003 has the feature "Automatically update [style]" enabled by default. That means whenever you make a formatting change that could possibly be applied to a style (you know, line spacing, indentation, font, anything), it would go ahead and change it for the style, thus the entire document. Well, this was a huge pain in the ass, and searching for it wasn't easy, so here is the fix for any other people searching for the answer.
[Solution Inside]
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Here is the solution from the link:
If Word changes your formatting without your permission:
1. From the "Format" menu, choose "Style". In the list on the left, select "Normal", then click on the "Modify" button.
2. Uncheck the "Automatically update" box.
3. Click "OK", then click "Apply".
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If Word changes your formatting without your permission:
1. From the "Format" menu, choose "Style". In the list on the left, select "Normal", then click on the "Modify" button.
2. Uncheck the "Automatically update" box.
3. Click "OK", then click "Apply".
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